For Employees
Before meeting with your benefits counselor, discover how to protect yourself and those who matter
most to you.

Could you afford?
To pay all the expenses not covered by your current insurance plans (deductibles, co-payments, lost wages, travel, etc.)
To continue to live in the same lifestyle you currently have if you suffered the loss of a family member?
Pay for all the unexpected expenses, if a serious accident or critical illness occurred?
Pay all your bills if you suddenly became unable to work due to a sickness, accident
or injury?
If the answer is no to any of these questions, Colonial Life can help with:
- Supplemental plans to help fill the gaps in their major medical coverage.
- Additional coverage not offered by employer paid plans.
- Ability to cover spouse and/or dependents with or without employee coverage
- Ability to save money in healthcare costs by choosing options with higher deductibles that can be offset by voluntary benefits.